Introduction Luminous is a tool used to hack flash games. However, for the inexperienced user, it can be hard to use. Follow along this tutorial and you'll learn how to hack any flash game that uses Actionscript 1 or 2.
Finding the Flash Game's URL The first step is finding the flash game's URL so it can be directly loaded. Luminous can do this for you automatically, but it can't always do it correctly. So finding it manually is important. The game we'll be hacking is Hold the Line.
Right click the page and hit View Source. Next, hit CTRL + F simultaneously. Type ".swf" alone. This is what you should see:
Copy that URL and you've found the SWF URL - - note that it's different on different sites. If you get a URL without http at the beginning, copy it and paste it after the website's domain name and you have the URL.
Setting up Luminous Now that you have the URL copied, it's time to open up Luminous. Double click Luminous.exe and you should see this:
Now that you have Luminous loaded, it's time to use that SWF URL you got earlier. Click Application at the top, and then hit Load New Movie. Paste the URL into the first textbox:
Next, hit Load Flash Document. The game should load and you're ready to start hacking it.
Hacking Game Values It's time to begin hacking the game. Whenever it's fully loaded hit start and then pause it (press P) like so:
Next, leaving the game paused, click on Flash Tools and then click on Variable Scanner. You're almost ready to hack the game. Give Luminous some time to download the game and it should then say that the Actionscript has been loaded.
Afterward, hit the Grab Variables button and give it some time to get them. You should see all the variables pop up. I have the good ones that are fun for hacking selected:
Now, right click on any of these variables and hit Edit Value. I'm going to hack my life. Take a look at the picture below to see it hacked!
Finishing Information And now you're done! All you have to do is mess around with the program and get a feel for how it works. Try filtering for different variables, freezing them, and more. Note that Luminous is not compatible with every flash game, and if it's not working, it's best to just move on to a different game. Thanks guys, and have fun.