برنامج الحائط الناري لسيرفرات الويندز بجميع الاصدارات البرنامج يعمل كحائط ناري للسرفرات دون التأثير على النظام أو عمله وهذة بعض الصور التوضيحية للبرنامج:
Kerio ServerFirewall™ offers IT and security administrators a powerful and easy-to-use tool to protect their server systems from worms, buffer-overflow and other internet security threats.
Kerio ServerFirewall is a Windows server firewall, designed to protect both Windows operating systems and all commercial server applications such as Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle database, Kerio MailServer etc. including custom made server programs. Kerio ServerFirewall helps enterprises of all sizes protect their Windows Server operating systems from malicious attacks coming from the outside as well as from within their corporate networks.
Its policy-based system prevents intrusions passed as legitimate traffic and protects against zero-day attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in the operating systems and applications running on them.
Network status:
Network status helps administrators understand how the server communicates and why.
Kerio ServerFirewall offers rich and flexible filtering options to define elaborate network traffic policies going all the way to the process level.
Download Free trial version
To purchase Kerio ServerFirewall or to inquire about our Enterprise version please contact our sales representative at ksf-sales@kerio.com.