A phishing email is a method of deception that is used to steal identity information, via unsolicited email or pop-up window. The attacker uses a pre-designed story to trick the user into believing that the email is from a trusted source, and then tries to obtain their private information (credit card, password, etc.).
A sample "phishing email" message
English Text
Turkish translation
Recommendations to protect yourself from phishing emails:
Never send personal or financial information to anyone, including people you know, via email. Why? You should never respond to requests via email. How much can you trust those who request this information? Even if you trust the requesters, you still cannot trust email communication because technically the content of the email can be accessed along the way.
Not clicking on internet links in e-mail messages. How can precautions be taken? It is necessary to check the links sent and visit the website addresses by entering them in the address bar. It is important to check whether the website sent via e-mail uses encryption. You can check that the address written in the address bar has “https” instead of “http” at the beginning.
Regularly reviewing information documents such as credit card statements and bank statements. Why? Fake e-mails and fake websites may be prepared very professionally to avoid any suspicion. They may even have obtained your information without you even realizing it. If you suspect any misuse, you need to be able to detect it and report it to the authorities immediately.
Using security software such as malware protection programs (anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall) and updating these programs frequently. Why? Because some fake (phishing) e-mails may contain software that will harm your computer or track your actions. If there is malware that has spread without you noticing, up-to-date protection programs will be very helpful.