Need to check for a computer virus but don't have any antivirus software installed? Try these excellent online virus scanning tools. It's very likely that you've had some sort of experience with a computer virus. If not, you're one of the lucky ones. But you can never rest, especially if you're running Windows.
Free online antivirus apps are no match for a standalone antivirus tool. Let's be clear. However, an online antivirus scan is a useful tool in a pinch. Maybe it's a stranger's computer that's acting strangely? Or a relative's computer? It's time to run a virus scan.
Below are four of the most reliable online free antivirus scanning and removal tools, plus several separate file analysis tools .
Best Online Antivirus Scanners
The following are the best online antivirus scanners. They offer a full system scan, analysis, and some file removal. However, it is important to remember that an online virus scan is not a substitute for an offline antivirus suite.
Panda Cloud Cleaner replaces Panda’s previous online antivirus scanner, Panda ActiveScan. Panda Cloud Cleaner comes with more features than its predecessor. For example, you can use Cloud Cleaner to kill all unnecessary processes before starting your scan. Doing so gives Cloud Cleaner a chance to discover malicious files hiding behind real processes. Panda Cloud Cleaner is very easy to use. Once the scan is complete, simply select the malicious files to remove and you’re good to go. However, Panda Cloud Cleaner can take a while to complete its scan, so if you’re in a hurry, you might want to choose another option.
ESET Online Scanner is one of the most comprehensive free online antivirus tools. It has a simple and easy-to-use user interface. ESET Online Scanner lets you choose between a full, quick, or custom scan. You can also choose to have malicious files automatically quarantined and removed. This is very useful if the online antivirus scanner returns any false positives.
3. Google Chrome
Google's antivirus? That's right; you can scan your system files for malware right from Google Chrome. It also does a good job. Since Chrome is the most popular browser in the world, there's a good chance you already have it installed. To use Google Chrome's free online antivirus scanner, copy and paste chrome://settings/cleanup into your Chrome address bar. (It won't work from any other browser.) When the page loads, select Find and wait for the antivirus scan to complete.
F-Secure's Online Scanner is the fastest free online antivirus scanner on this list. The F-Secure Online Scanner also finds most malware and doesn't require installation. Of the free online antivirus scanners, F-Secure Online Scanner is the most basic. You don't choose which files to scan; the Online Scanner covers your entire system. Given the speed of the scan, that's not a problem. The lack of options does have one plus: F-Secure Online Scanner is incredibly easy to use.